Albedo Candle
Scent: Rose, carnation, jasmine, apple, suede, and musk
Size: 9 oz, 4" tall x 3" wide
Burn Time: 55 - 60 hours
Wax: Natural Vegan USA Soy
Artist: jeannetheart
"Of course, the greatest reward is to be here serving you, Lord Ainz!" Extremely loyal and in love, Albedo is infatuated and clingy with Ainz, often showing obsessive tendencies when it comes to his affairs. She is always vying for Ainz's affections, showcasing outbursts of jealousy whenever anyone else appears to be getting close to him. Among all the Guardians, she is the most vocal when it comes to expressing her opinions. Albedo will openly denounce any statement or action she deems inappropriate, reaching the point where Ainz sometimes considers it an annoyance.