Calcifer Candle
Scent: Woods, spices, and fresh eucalyptus
Size: 8.75 oz, 4" tall x 3" wide
Burn Time: 55 - 60 hours
Wax: Natural Vegan USA Soy
Artist: jeannetheart
"Here's another curse for you - may all your bacon burn."
Calcifer is a Fire Demon in a magical contract with Wizard Howl. He was originally a falling star, whom Howl was able to catch before he fell to earth and extinguished. He is a very powerful creature himself, with a great deal of magical ability, though cannot move beyond the confines of the hearth in which Howl keeps him without the wizard's help.
Inspired by the famous fire demon, this scent is reminiscent of a "magical" campfire fragrance - full of life with the woods and spices, blended with a "sparky" scent of eucalyptus.